Holy Guacamole....my husband does have a romantic bone in his body after all. This year he gave me 10 days of Valentines and it was wonderful, completely unexpected and completely unusual for him, unbelievably sweet and more fun than Christmas!! I don't know what made him decide to do this (I was convinced there was some bad news to come at the end like asking me for a divorce, but no such request has yet been made) or where he got all of his ideas, but he REALLY went overboard and I appreciated it so much. Thanks Gregors....I LOVE YOU!
Day #1 – Feb 5th
I woke up to sweet little writings and hearts on my bathroom mirror. He also had a gift bag with a riddle written on it. Once I answered the riddle I was able to open it. Sadly, I had to cheat and Google the riddle. Inside the bag was a giant Hershey’s kiss.

Day #2 – Feb 6th
We were in Idaho Falls to see our niece Maddy get baptized. On the drive home Greg had me get him some Kleenex from the glove compartment and inside were three letters tied in a fun red bow (note: never buy bow covered in glitter…I still can’t get all that red glitter out of my car…it has now become one with my upholstery). Each envelope was titled: Past, Present and Future. I first opened the one titled past. Greg had braved the basement and found my storage bin with all of my letters from my mission (ps…I kept every letter from my mission because they all meant so much to me. So if you ever sent me a letter, I still have it!). He found the Valentine’s card he had written me in Feb 2000. It was so fun to open that card and re-read what he had written so long ago. Then I opened the envelope titled present. It was a very sweet letter he wrote the day before about how much he loves me and our little family and how happy he is with all of us. It melted my heart! And as always, he saved the best for last….the one titled future. This letter he wrote as it if were Feb of 2040. He wrote about how thankful he was that I bought him an F250 to pull his Mastercraft boat and that he loved living on our 100 acres in Lake Shore and all of his farm animals. He was also glad that I had help to take care of the farm from my 5 daughter-in-laws that all lived with us, as well as my father and his father and that because of modern medicine they would all be able to live with us for a VERY long time. Neither of us could stop laughing as I read the letter. It was just SO Greg.

Day #3 – Feb 7th
Greg made me breakfast in bed. He cooked heart shaped pancakes covered in strawberries and whipped cream. There were also eggs, bacon and orange juice. Yummy! The hilarious part about it was that I was so surprised he made me breakfast because it was fast Sunday and Greg is such a good boy he always fasts. I thought maybe he just decided to take a day off since he was doing all of this Valentine’s stuff for me. I ended up doing the dishes because he was in a race to get ready so he could take the Young Men around to collect fast offerings. During Sacrament Meeting it finally dawned on him. He leaned to me and said, “Oh man, I shouldn’t have made you breakfast. I didn’t realize it was Fast Sunday!” I couldn’t believe it. He had forgotten even though we was in a panic all morning to be on time to collect fast offerings. Yep, the same day we give fast offerings is the same day we fast! Silly boy…but the breakfast was great, so I wasn’t complaining.
Day #4 – Feb 8th
Greg bought about 100 different Valentine’s cards (the type you give away in elementary school) and wrote a different name or nickname for me on each one and put a piece of candy in each one as well. His sister delivers mail for the post office in Salem so he had her stuff my mailbox with all of them while she was on her mail route. When I opened the mailbox to get my mail, valentines came pouring out of my box. I ended up giving all of the candy to my students in class the next day. It was a lot of candy! It had to have taken him forever to write on every one and stuff all of them.

Day #5 – Feb 9th
He was really proud of himself this day! He wanted to embarrass me and be sweet and he really succeeded in both. He has a dozen red roses (in a gorgeous vase) delivered to my classroom while I was teaching. I try to be really professional while I teach, so it embarrassed me to no end. He had a co-worked deliver them. I didn’t recognize him and first and when he initially came in the door all I could say was “What a dork!” because I was so embarrassed. When I recognized his co-workers I chased him up the stairs and begged him not to tell Greg I had said he was a dork. But guess who was right outside my door? Greg, and yes, he did hear me. He was laughing so hard and was so proud of himself. And yes, I heard a lot of “look at that girl” as I carried a HUGE vase of HUGE flowers down the halls and out to my car.

Day #6 – Feb 10th
My bathroom mirror was decorated again this day with sweet nothings and he had taped “love coupons” to the mirror. They were coupons for things like a bubble bath, or breakfast in bed, or a week of receiving flowers, etc.

Day #7 – Feb 11th
Greg’s original plan for this day was beyond thoughtful. He was set for taking a half day off of work to take the kids while a friend and I went to get a massage and out to lunch. But everything fell through. Things were crazy at work and he couldn’t get the day off and my friend was really sick. So instead that night he handed me a plastic bag with a sweater in it. The sweater was very pretty and it was so nice of him to go get me some clothes. The presentation of it was what I thought was a crack up.
Day #8 – Feb 12th
My mirror was yet again decorated and had “love coupons” taped to it. But this time the coupons were of a different sort and not appropriate for me to list on this blog. They were in jest though, as I threw them all away because never in a million years would I want any of them honored! That night we drove to St George to spend the weekend with his parents.
Day #9 – Feb 13th
Greg woke up with the kids that morning and let me sleep in. Then he came and woke me up and said to hurry and get ready because he had made an appointment for me to get a massage that morning. It was a heavenly message and I actually fell asleep at the end of it. Awww…so relaxing!
Day #10 – Feb 14th
This day was seriously so much fun. It was like Christmas morning. We all got up early to get ready for church, but first sat around Grandma and Grandpa’s bed to exchange gifts. Grandma and Grandpa gave each other a gift and then gave Nicole and Caleb each a card. I gave some family pictures to my mother-in-law and then gave Nicole and Caleb their gifts. A GIANT V-day card and conversation hearts and a new Sunday dress for Nicole and a Sunday outfit for Caleb. Nicole loves dresses and no other present could make her happier. Silly girl. I gave Greg two tickets to a Ronny Millsap concert that is in Wendover the first weekend in May. I arranged for my niece to come with us so she can watch the kids in the hotel while we go to the concert. There is probably no other concert I’d rather not go to than this, but Greg has been wanting to go forever, so I thought I’d be nice and surprise him with tickets. He is excited and I’m so happy for that. I asked him if I could listen to my iPod during the concert. Ha ha ha. As you can imagine, the answer was “no”!
Greg then gave me my final present: a ¼ carat real diamond necklace in white gold. It is beautiful and I love to wear it. He spent weeks searching the internet and going to every jewelry store in Utah County trying to find the perfect one. Might I say, he did a fantastic job!!!! I think it is the effort he put forth to get the necklace that means the most to me, but hey, having a real diamond around your neck isn’t too shabby either!!!!

This was the most amazing Valentine’s Day/10 Days of my life! I’m a lucky girl!!