Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Caleb's A Stud!

Here are Caleb's newborn pictures I took when he was about 10 days old. I have done much better for friends, but when it's your own I guess the motivation to prove yourself isn't there as much. I hated seeing him cry because he was naked and uncomfortable, so I only took a few shots.

This is why Caleb is a stud.....

Greg taught Nicole to say “Daddy’s a stud!” So if you ask Nicole “what is daddy?” she’ll respond “Daddy’s a tud!” Yes, she has a hard time saying her “s”. She usually leaves it out of the word if the word starts with an s. Speaking of studs…I have to tell this story about Caleb’s name. I have wanted the name for years (about 5 years…compared to Greg wanting the name Nicole for 13 yrs before he got it) and Greg always seemed okay with it. Then towards the end of my pregnancy he told me he didn’t really like the name and thought it was feminine sounding. That was shocking to me because he never said anything bad about it before. I knew Caleb was a Bible name, so one Saturday afternoon we read about Caleb in the Book of Joshua. Of all the Hebrews that were part of the exodus from Egypt, only Joshua and Caleb were allowed to enter the Promised Land after their 40 years of wandering. This is because of their faith and obedience (and their truthful report of the status of Canaan 38 years before their entrance). Once Israel destroyed the inhabitants of Canaan they began to divide up the land according to tribes. Caleb was over 80 years old at this time and requested the land of Hebron. At the time Hebron was populated by a race of giants. Caleb stated that through the power of the Lord he would be able to wipe out the giants and occupy the land. At this Greg exclaimed “Dang…he was 80 and still wanted to take on the giants…Caleb was a STUD!!!” So now after that story Greg really likes the name Caleb. Isn’t that hilarious?? My oh my the little things that can change Greg’s mind. So now Greg hopes his Caleb will be stud like the bible Caleb. He he…Greg can be such a dork!


Kristi said...

He is kind of a dork, but that is a cool story!! And we do love our Caleb! I can't believe how different and big he is looking compared to those pictures!

The Hall Clan said...

glad you finally posted those pictures!! It can just be our secret that it's my arms holding Caleb (fitting, since I will be his favorite aunt)!!

Your pictures are stupendous!!!

my arms ache to hold that little boy right now!!!

Rebecca said...


The Shelleys said...

cute pics and story! he is growing up so fast.

Julie said...

What a cute little guy & I like the name Caleb too.